‘Making sense of good and evil’

Unless everyday citizens are aware of the powers behind ‘the great reset’, we may once again be plunged into another ‘dark age’ unprecedented in recent history. The political and religious powers of today are not unlike the powers established between the first and fourth centuries that took control of citizen’s rights and religious freedoms. Yet despite the history of a religion that used fear, intimidation, persecution and torture – all in the name of Christ, those eager to reset the economy and control secular and religious freedoms by enforcing ‘the rule of law’, unashamedly admit they are dependent on the so-called church for ‘moral guidance’. The reshaping of Christianity by end of the fourth century had not only turned Jesus into a demigod but had deliberately distorted the meaning of Christ. The knowledge of Christ is referred to in the book of Hebrews as ‘the first principles of the oracles of God ‘that enables one to discern between good and evil (Hebrews 5:12-14. 6:1). Whether one studies science, engineering, medicine, theology, or any other discipline, all learning is based on ‘first principles’. The author believes that what mainline Christianity has accepted as the official church creed concerning the nature of Jesus, has not only rendered the gospels powerless, but deliberately distorts the meaning of ‘the body of Christ’ as it relates to what constitutes meaning of ‘church’.

The ‘church’ is comprised of everyday people known for their ‘love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith’, all of whom are described as everyday people bearing ‘fruits of the spirit’ (Galatians 5:22). The hundreds of non-religious institutions that bring relief to the hungry, clothing to the poor, and medicine to the sick, relief after natural disasters, and so on, are just as dedicated as those of all faiths engaged in charitable works.  It is the spirit in which each community lives that gives meaning to ‘the church and its members’ (Ephesians 2:19-22). The so-called church that covers and hides paedophilia, financial corruption, and other scandalous behaviours, is not what represents ‘a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish’ (Ephesians 5:27). Until bible believers open their eyes to what ‘damnable heresies’ were postulated by the end of the fourth century, they will only have themselves to blame for accepting dogmas that even the reformers were blindsided by. Christians need to understand the true definition of ‘church ‘and what the ‘body of Christ’ truly represents; if not, there will be no defence against ‘the great reset’ that will undoubtedly strip believers as well as unbelievers of the freedoms currently enjoyed.

Although the bible was written during the ages of antiquity in both literal and figurative language, the author believes Genesis holds a parallel message that not only contradicts what Christianity (in its present form) teaches about the nature of Jesus, but also sheds a very different light on the figurative meaning of what it means to be ‘dead’, ‘asleep’ or ‘alive to Christ’: ‘Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all’ (Colossians 3:11).

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